GRD188 Course Contract

Olivia Palermo, GRD188 Course Contract

I, Olivia Palermo agree to abide by the terms of the course contract in my summer, 2023, GRD188, N-845, Graphic Design for Web 1 with my instructor, Collin Styles.

I understand that all work that I do on my school and personal website will be publicly available to the world, and will not put information there that is inappropriate for schoolwork, or that I wish to keep private.

I also understand that it is my work that counts for attendance, not logins or showing up for class. As such, failure to turn in assignments may show as absences.

Signed: Olivia Palermo, 05/24/2023

Workspace Setup

Here is an embedded screenshot of my workspace setup. I've highlighted the important parts, and cropped and sized the image appropriately. Click the image for a link to the original. Both files are stored and named appropriately in my images folder inside this course's folder. Workspace Setup